Home about us clients & policies


Our Clients:
Our clients are outbound travel agents, tour operators, freelance tour leaders who arrange tours to Vietnam. They are our repeated clients and the most important to our business. Infact, a lot of them have been booking tours every month and many tour leaders have travelled with us more than 20 tours. It is amazing.
Our main markets: Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, United States
Our view: customers become friends and friends become customers. Most of our customers are repeated. We are not PR marketing, not spamming emails, not social marketing, not google ad-words. Totally No Marketing ourselves. Our old customers recommend Vietnam Catholic Tour to their relatives, friends, workmates... It is the ways our customers come.

Our Policies:
Our clients and our travellers information policy: ''All information of customers is private and confidential. Vietnam Catholic Tour only sends information to the third party such as hotels, cruises, airlines for reservation purposes. Vietnam Catholic Tour can post the photos on my website before our clients' agreement, strictly to social websites.''
We understand that anything on internet is no longer private. Vietnam is not a country to be serious on copy-right. All our clients are V.I.P and top V.I.P or treated as V.I.P so we will keep their trips private and confidential. If any photos taken by our tour guides, we will send to the owners or person in charge by official emails.
If you request for our clients'/ partners' information for a reason, please send a requesting email to our director, Mr. Michael ( michael@vietnamcatholictour.com ). We will consider to provide the right client's contact or photos ( ofcourse with our client's permission )!
Thank you for your unsderstanding! We are different but you can totally trust us.



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