Da Nang Cathedral
Da Nang Cathedral is the Cathedral of Da Nang Diocese in the Central Vietnam. The Cathedral was built during the French colonial period and known as the Pink Church Da Nang, this place allures tourists with its impressive pink color and Gothic architecture. It is undoubtedly a remarkable attraction to visit when tourists travel to Da Nang.
Da Nang Cathedral is the Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Jesus built by French Missionaries in 1927, also known as Con Ga Church ( Rooster Church ) because of the weather cock on the steeple.

Open hour: at  Da Nang Cathedral 

* Monday – Saturday: 8:00 – 11:30 & 13:30 – 16:30

Mass times:

* Monday – Saturday: 5:00 - 17:00
* Sunday:        5:30 – 8:00 ( Children )  – 15:00 -  16:30 – 18:00  
* Sunday:      10:00 English mass